

Our team of Sonographers are aware of the joy and anticipation pregnancy brings as well as being fully qualified and experienced in this field.
Andrew Graham

Andrew Graham

Operations Manager/Hypnotherapist.

As Operations Manager of Rainbow Baby Scans, I’m committed to providing you with exceptional care. My name is Andrew Graham (Dip Hyp CS) and I...

Lailani Mamaril

Lailani Mamaril

Clinical Specialist Sonographer

Health Professions Council Member no. RA73846 Society or Radiographers Member no. 24033 Professional Qualifications: Radiographer, 2010. Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Ultrasound, 2020. Lailani worked as...

Seeta Selvaraj

Seeta Selvaraj

Clinical Specialist Sonographer

I have been a Sonographer within the NHS since 2014 to present. My roles also included being one of the screening support Sonographers for East...

Tanya Honeysett

Tanya Honeysett

Receptionist, Chaperone, Childcarer

Hello, my role as a receptionist, includes by request, a Healthcare Chaperone or, Childcarer for the duration of your appointment.For the past 26 years my...